BBQ Location changed

Hello Neighbors,  The BBQ and Annual Meeting is getting close and we have a change in the location due to complications closing the cul-de-sac at the end of Ponderosa.  Caryn checked with the county and the forms, letters of agreement from the Highway Patrol, Sheriff’s Dept. and approval from the County Board of Supervisors seems a little extreme so we are moving to our patio at 523 Manzanita Way.  The location is at the intersection of Ponderosa Way and Manzanita Way.  Just look for the log front house with a green metal roof.  It’s OK to park diagonally in front of the house in the gravel if you get here soon enough.  You can parallel park along Manzanita and Ponderosa Way. The sun is pretty high at 2:00 PM so if you have a sun shade like this:

shade or an umbrella with a stand, please call me and we can set it up Saturday Morning.

Start thinking about what direction you want our Association to go in the future.  Personally I would like to see a greeting committee that makes contact with new residents with a packet of information about the Property Owners Association, a booklet with our founding documents and applications to join. (and maybe a basket of fruit, apple pie, ect)  We need to make contact with the realtors in the area and make sure they are aware of the Association and promote our website which has a lot of good information about the area including phone numbers for handy persons, housekeeping, landscaping and contact numbers for local and state representatives.

Hope to see you on Saturday.

Steve Brothers

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