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Please select “Lake Almanor Peninsula” as the Firewise USA Site.
Please use the above link to report all information on fire risk abatement activity on your property. The data will go to the coordinator of the Lake Almanor Peninsula Firewise Committee to be submitted to Firewise USA for certification of Almanor Pines as a Firewise Neighborhood. To ensure privacy, the database is only accessible to the Firewise Committee Chair and, in modified form, to Firewise USA.
All qualifying activity since January 1 qualifies for current year Firewise certification. Here are some examples of information to be reported:
Clearing defensible space: You “clear defensive space” when you remove anything in your yard that could ignite if blown embers fell on it. The idea is to remove any source of fuel that allows the fire to spread to your house.
- Report the time you or any volunteer spend eliminating weeds, leaves, pine needles, bush, plants and other flammable debris in the Personal Hours field. Firewise applies an hourly rate in figuring out total contribution.
- If you pay someone to do the work, enter the amount in the Expenditure field.
- Report work such as cleaning gutters, blowing leaves, and trimming hedges that reduce your fire risks counts as “clearing defensible space” even though it’s routine work. Larger projects such as tree-trimming or removal count as well.
Hardening your house: You “harden your house” when you make it less susceptible to wind-blown embers. If you reduce the number of ways that embers can penetrate the exterior of your house you reduce the probability that your house will catch fire.
- Report the amount you pay a contractor to replace your attic and crawl space vents with complying vents in the Expenditures field. If you replace the vents yourself report your time in the Personal Hours field and the cost of vents in the Expenditures field.
- Hardening your house includes major expenditures such as roof and siding replacement. It doesn’t matter if you would have made the improvements anyway. They still reduce your fire risk so they are reportable to Firewise USA. (Of course you wouldn’t have it any other way, but be sure your contractor uses fire-resistant materials that comply with the Plumas County building code.)
Thank you in advance for reporting your work!
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