What a great BBQ and Annual Members Meeting! Send any photos you have and I’ll post them on the Blog and the Photo Gallery. We are waiting on board approval of the meeting minutes and I will post them as soon as possible. I had a few comments that it was the best meeting ever. We voted to revive the Association and change the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation. We had six people volunteer to participate in the election for Board Members which is really a good thing. More to follow when the minutes are finalized.
On a different note, I have been bombarded with spam in the comments section of this blog so for now I have decided to require that you log in to be able to read the blog. You will get email notification and a copy of the post but I believe that you will need to log in on the website to read current and archived posts. I know there is a plug-in that blocks spam but with the holiday, Annual Meeting and company it’s been difficult to find the time. Email me at webmaster@almanorpines if you have any problems.
Great Meeting this year folks. Thanks for the renewed interest in the Association.
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