Neighborhood Alert: There is a Mountain Lion roaming our neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning. He is leaving tracks in the snow and about 4:00 AM he was caught on a trail camera strolling down a sidewalk on Ponderosa Circle. We have photos courtesy of Mike Floyd and Mark Burnham. Just be careful and don’t take walks at dusk and don’t let your pets out at night. Mountain Lions love deer so don’t feed the deer because when the deer are gone the the lion still needs to eat. So what do lion tracks look like? Basically they look like a big dog track without toe nails unless he is running. Below is a illustration of the differences between the tracks of the critters roaming the neighborhood. The big difference is the three lobes on the rear of the pad.
Notice the three lobes on his pad.
It looks like our little friend may have 5 toes instead of 4 on his right rear leg.
I think he stopped by Cat Daddy to visit or maybe breakfast.
This photo was taken on Jan. 21, at 4:16 AM
Be aware and don’t take any late night strolls.
Follow this link to learn a little about living with Mountain Lions. click HERE
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