Mike Floyd and I (J) attended a Spring Firewise Community Coordinators Meeting in Quincy Tuesday April 3rd. We also have an updated Action Plan which is available here Lake Almanor Pines Firewise Action Plan 2018
What we are in need of now, is input from you.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to contact us.
Views: 230
Firewise Day is coming up June 9. Peninsula Fire Department hopes to be present to answer any questions about fire.
We have already surpased our minimum fire reduction investment to meet Firewise Community requirements; thanks to those folks who came on early! But, there is still much that can be done. And the fire season is just around the corner.
In preparation for your own fire plan we offer the following information:
And our neighbor Mark is well set up for hauling https://almanorpines.com/local-information/lot-cleanup-and-hauling/
The community chipper pile (corner of Ponderosa Way and Manzanita Way is at maximum capacity but homeowners may apply directly to the chipping program. The Chipper is in the area June 3 – 9 https://www.plumasfiresafe.org/community-chipping-program.html
On June 9 lets meet near Ponderosa Way and Arbutus and discuss next steps. I intend to be there by 10am. See you there!