Are you ready for our Annual Meeting and Neighborhood BBQ. It is next Saturday July 21st at 4:00 PM. It will be held at Mark and Cynthia Burnham’s empty lot on the corner of Manazanta Way and Firland Drive. The association is providing Chicken in the Barrel, Tri-tips, french bread and all of the eating utensils. Their will be chairs provided this year but you can bring a comfortable lawn chair if desired for the meeting. What do you bring? Bring your beverage of choice and one side dish. To prevent everyone bringing potato salad we will do the same as last year. If you address is an odd number bring a side dish and if even bring a dessert or fruit. Please respond to this or future emails with your choice of dish and I will start a post on Facebook and the website so everyone can make a better decision. Look for more emails this week and check out our Facebook page
Views: 194
I will bring Macaroni Salad. – Kathy Deiner