Garage Sale525 Ponderosa DriveLake AlmanorFriday/Saturday 6/14-15/2019From: 9AM – 3PM
Views: 242
Steve, Thank you for posting this. It was a better yard sale than we could have ever imagined. We have a cash offer on the house.
Congratulations on selling your house Larry. We will certainly miss you guys. Make sure you plan a vacation to the Pines in July to join us at the BBQ.
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Tel: (530) 596-3348430 Peninsula DriveLake Almanor Peninsula, CA 96137
Steve, Thank you for posting this. It was a better yard sale than we could have ever imagined. We have a cash offer on the house.
Congratulations on selling your house Larry. We will certainly miss you guys. Make sure you plan a vacation to the Pines in July to join us at the BBQ.